Find & Retain Top Information Technology Talent

IT Professionals Are In High Demand. We'll Showcase Your Company So You Attract The Best.

Find Professionals Who Can Stay On Top Of Rapidly Changing Tech

You need candidates who are not only at the top of their game today, but who are also adaptable, ready to learn, and able to grow with your business as the tech landscape evolves. Some challenges we can help you solve when hiring IT talent include:

Talent Shortages

Cybersecurity and data specialists are in high demand. We help you stand out from competitors to attract the best.

International Hiring

Access a global talent pool and let us manage the challenges of different time zones, cultures, and regulations.

Assessing Soft Skills

We go beyond the resume to find you strong problem-solvers, communicators, and team players.

Strong Cybersecurity

Data security has never been more pressing. We find prospects who follow cybersecurity best practices.

Information Technology Roles We Help You Fill

Some of the roles we recruit for are:

Software Developer/Engineer

IT Operations Manager

Data Scientist

Data Engineer

Systems Administrator

Network Engineer

Cybersecurity Specialist

IT Project Manager

Database Administrator

Technical Support Specialist

UX/UI Designer

IT Consultant

Machine Learning Engineer

Information Systems Manager

Mobile Application Developer

Front-End Developer

Back-End Developer

Full-Stack Developer

Our Recruiting Process For IT Professionals

Needs Assessment Meeting

First, we meet to learn about your information technology needs, company culture, and hiring goals. Then, we develop a comprehensive job description that attracts the right candidates.

Candidate Sourcing & Screening

We use multiple sourcing channels to identify potential candidates. Then we conduct resume reviews and video interviews to assess candidates’ qualifications, experience, and fit with your requirements.

Interviewing & Placement

We present a short list of the most qualified candidates, assist with coordinating interviews, and, in some cases, facilitate the onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition for the new hire.

Why Partner With Dudley Staffing For Your Next IT Hire?

We make it seamless for you to staff up during peak project times, so you no longer struggle with fluctuating demand for your IT team.

Our network includes top-tier contractors and professionals with specialized skills who may not be actively searching for a new job but are open to the right opportunity.

If you're ready to make your hiring more efficient by outsourcing the initial job posting, candidate sourcing, screening, and interviews, then schedule a meeting with us.

Schedule A Meeting

Industries We Serve

Human Resources



Information Technology

Marketing & Advertising

Land Professionals

Accounting & Finance

Supply Chain/Logistics

Outstanding IT Professionals Will Line Up To Work With You

We help you showcase your company, culture, opportunities, and benefits so top IT professionals can't wait to join your team.