Discover The Best Talent

Learn About Our Process For Successful Hires

We've Been Perfecting Our Process For Decades

What sets Dudley Staffing apart from managing your hiring in-house?

Our efficiencies and strategy.

We have a tech stack that makes it faster and easier for us to find, vet, and recommend amazing professionals. We also run like a well-oiled machine when it comes to strategically marketing for your opening so we find better, more qualified candidates faster.

Keep reading to learn more about our process.


Strategy Call

We start by getting to know you, your business, and what you're looking for in a successful candidate.

What hard and soft skills will help someone excel? How will you measure their success? What does a good culture fit look like at your company?

When we deeply understand your needs, we can match you with an exceptional candidate.


Develop & Distribute Job Assets

We'll gather essential information like the job description, salary information, and other job specifics from you.

Next we use our internal resources to create and promote a job posting that will capture the attention of highly-qualified professionals.


Candidate Vetting & Screening

We review every application and meet with the top candidates to conduct a screening interview.

We develop our screening alongside experienced professionals who work in the role you're looking to fill so we can ask meaningful questions that identify candidates who will be successful.

Our goal is to get to go beyond the resume to find someone who will be a great fit at your company.


Candidate Submission & Interviews

Once we've completed our due diligence, we'll share our recommended candidates with you.

For those who find it helpful, we can also assist with scheduling interviews with your preferred candidates.


Ongoing Support

We're by your side through the first day of work and beyond to ensure that we matched you with the right professional.

Reach out to us at any time with questions, concerns, or to start your next recruitment effort.

Utilize Our Resources & Strategy To Find Better Candidates

The right professional is out there. We can help you find them.